FreeAdultAPK / Virtual Reality / Dezyred


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I had to wait a bit to make this review, in part because of other projects, but also because at launch, Dezyred had too many bugs and I could not review it. But I am happy to say, I gave it another try yesterday and while not all the bugs are fixed (I will go over that later in the review), it’s very playable and all in all, very enjoyable.

How install and run the game

For now, Dezyred is available on Oculus Quest 1 and 2, Rift/Rift S, HTC Vive and Microsoft MR. I only played it on Oculus Quest 2, but I think the install experience should be the same.

First thing you have to do is to go to the Dezyred website and make an account. Tip: Try to use a short email and password, it’s a bummer to login from the VR Headset later on… . After creating the account, make sure to buy some credits, the initial Basic package is enough credits for now.

If you use Oculus Quest or Quest 2, you need to use Oculus Link to play it. Get the Playa app from the Oculus Store and run it in the headset.

After Launching Playa app, on the bottom right click websites and add Then select story and login with your account.

I went with the download option for the stories; this makes the experience smoother and the quality is a bit better.

How to play

Well, luckily as soon as the story starts, you have a tutorial that introduces you to basic commands and what you have to do. Just don’t skip it, the game is not that intuitive yet.

At the beginning just follow the interaction and enjoy the experience ?.  If you ever get stuck or you don’t know what to do to advance the story, just move around all areas and interact with everything you can once or twice, sometimes the game get’s stuck.

Also, if you ever get paused in the story (this can happen if you take the headset off, or go to different menu, or weird disconnect or bug), press the Hand Trigger button on Quest or Rift and on the menu press continue story button.

Make sure you have enough space to move around in the game, some actions ask you to turn 360°, while the sex scenes require you to sit down on a chair.

While in a sex scene, you can press the Finger Trigger button on the controller to bring up a smaller menu, from there you can select positions, pause sound, have some minimal alignment and rewind of forward the scene in 10 second intervals. If you want to skip the sex scene, just go to the last position and skip to the end.

To advance the story you have to use credits, you will also use credits if you want to unlock more sex positions during the sex scenes. I used in my 1st playthrough 5000 credits and bought whatever I wanted.

Bug and things

There is some issue with the sound when the girls are far away, sometimes I can’t hear them, even at max volume.

I wish there was more control on camera positioning. When the girl is giving me a BJ, I have to strain my neck to watch her.

Image quality is great, but knowing VRBangers, it can be better. It did not look 8K to me, especially in some of the lounge scenes. But when the girls are close it’s better.

The -/+ 10s button is not enough to mauver in the sex scene, wish there was a bar like in a normal media player.

There should be an objective guide on what to do next in the story, and better clues on what to do next.

All in all

I enjoyed the game and came a few times. Sure, the game has its bugs, but the interaction with the girls was nice. The sex scenes were great. Great looking girls and top camera positioning for most of the scenes. I also enjoyed the VRBangers easter eggs and the actor’s jokes.

Secret: When starting the story, click on the VR player on the stand, you can watch 3 VR scenes from VR Bangers. It’s like using a VR headset while using a VR headset?

It’s a bit pricey, but only because of the bugs, which they are working on all the time. Otherwise, it’s worth it for the experience, replay value and future stories. I especially liked the fact that you can select the positions you like during the sex scenes, very well done.

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